13) The Bee and the Window
The bee and the window
(by Skeff)
1, 2, 3
In this house there is a bee
It is not where it should be
It just wants to be free
From this house it wants to flee
It doesn´t want to be an arrestee
Much rather be an escapee
It hits against the glass
It tries to get away
It seems so easy
The window is half open
But the bee Doesn´t to see
The bee doesn´t see
The bee doesn´t see
The bee
Just like my life
I´m also like this bee
Through the glass I can also see
Where I want to be
I also want to be set free
I´m sure it´s not only me
I´m sure it´s not only me
But I don´t have the key
I hope life will accept my plea
Even if I have to pay a fee
To be outside and carefree
Maybe through a degree
Or a killing spree
Better not
I feel at sea
I´m not where I want to be
The exit
It seems so easy
Right in front of me
But l´m also ike the bee
I just cannot see
I´m also in the air
Don´t know how to get there
In my life I also hit the glass
No way to bypass
That´s my life
It might sound odd
But in this house I´m God
I will let this bee free
Just like I wish it happened to me
Just like I wish it happened to me
Just leave my dear bee
I will set you free
I don´t know how it got here inside
But I won´t commit a homicide
Just like me and my life
I also long for a wildlife
Just like with the bee
I wish it also happened to me
I wish it also happened to me
Today is you is lucky day
Go outside and play
I’ve got nothing else say