27) The Girl who Cuts Herself





The Girl who Cuts Herself


She cuts herself

But it hurts on me


She cuts herself

It feels like a pain relief


She cuts herself

But now her pain is on me


She cuts herself

It makes her pain goes away


She cuts herself

Now her pain is on me


She cuts herself

Now her pain is on me




She cuts herself

But she is hurting me


She cuts herself

For her feels like a pain relief


She cuts herself

Her pain remains on me


She cuts herself

It makes her pain goes away


She cuts herself

Now her pain is on me


She cuts herself

Now her pain is on me


(On me, on her, on us)


Red is her arm

Black is her heart

It´s dripping on the floor


Red is her arm

Black is her heart

Screaming inside


Red is her arm

Black is her heart

Ghost from the past


Red is her arm

Black is her heart

Scare them away


(Don´t wanna think about it

don´t think about it

 she doesn´t wanna think about it)