29) Yana, Alina, Celine: The Girls whose Daddies were not There




Yana, Alina, Celine

The Girls whose Daddies were not There

(by Skeff)







No daddy

No role model

No trust


Right Yana?


(Chorus Yana)


Looking for the love and attention you never got from him


This is his heritage


And you Alina?


(Chorus Alina)


Scared of feeling the same rejection again


This was exhausting


And you Celine? I remember


(Chorus Celine)


Low self-esteem and self-harm


This was crazy


Different people, similar cause

Daddy not there, daddy doesn´t love, daddy walked away


(Chorus Daddy)




He ruined for you, ruined for me, ruined for us

You also walked way. No love. He didn´t give you. You didnt give me



Focus on your mom, focus on your friends

They are not like him, they won´t hurt you

They are everything for you



You might find, someone, who will, replicate, the abandonment

Or you will break the cicle. I hope so. I still think you  are awesome. I hope you are doing good



(Chorus: tell me what you are going through)

(Chorus Yana)

(Chorus Alina)

(Chorus Celine)